It’s MemeMonday : What SQLFamily means to you.

Everyone has a family. Only the lucky few (comparitively) have a #sqlfamily. It’s a great way to think of the people we interact with. Some a cool, some are annoying, but all of them bring their own thoughts and experiences.

I’ve not been actively taking part of the SQL community for long, only the past 6 months or so. Before that i was mainly involved with the UK developer community, and when I say involved, I mean attended events. My developer skills were nowhere near good enough to keep up with the likes of Jon Skeet, or many of the other great community-developers.

I’m hoping to become a more active member of the SQL community in the UK, as I go through the SQL MCM certification. I’ve already made a few friends in there, and am starting to feel confident enough to do presentations on SQL Server topics. Even started to do presentations on it internally at work. Maybe that makes me the annoying cousin who tries to hard? That’ll have to be for someone else to decide. 🙂

I’m writing this, sitting in a Starbucks at London Heathrow, on the way to the SQL Rally Nordic event in Stockholm, where I’ll be able to meet some more #SQLFamily members. Mostly the cool uncles & aunts. it’s shaping up to be a great event.

What does SQLFamily mean to me? I love you guys, and appreciate the openness and way everyone is so willing to share their knowledge. Thank you!