Tag Archive: Optimisation

Recently, I’ve been learning about the Statistical language R. To allow me to do some testing against it, I wanted to get a decent sized dataset into SQL Server.

Having found a good dataset, the Airlines data from the 2009 Data Expo, I downloaded it, and proceeded to try and load it into SQL Server. I failed almost straightaway since the downloaded files were UTF-8 in format, and SQL Server cannot directly load them in using Bulk Copy or BCP.

So, I looked around for another option. I could have used SSIS, however, there seemed to be an issue with the Data Conversion module, where it wasn’t saving the changes having converted the fields from UTF-8 to ASCII.

My next choice was to have a look to see if C# would help. It did. The code below allowed me to take the source file (specified in _filePath) and load it into a database table (specified in _connString).

The code works by creating a DataTable into which the data from the CSV file is loaded. The data is then fed into SQL Server in batches of 100,0000 (parameterised using _batchSize).

Here is the code, it’s pretty well performing on my machine, running at 20-25k rows a second.

using Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

    public class LoadUTF8CSVIntoSQL
        protected const string _filePath = @"C:\Inbox\DataSets\Flights\extract\1987.csv";
        protected const string _connString = @"Server=localhost;Database=Datasets;Trusted_Connection=True;";
        protected const int _batchSize = 100000;

        protected static void LoadDataTable(SqlBulkCopy sqlBulkCopy, SqlConnection sqlConnection, DataTable dataTable)

                System.Console.WriteLine("{0}\t- Batch Written",System.DateTime.Now.ToString());
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                System.Console.WriteLine("ERROR : "+ex.Message);

        public static void LoadCsvDataIntoSqlServer(string sFilePath)
                // This should be the full path
                var fileName = "";
                if (sFilePath.Length == 0)
                    fileName = _filePath;
                    fileName = sFilePath;

                var createdCount = 0;

                using (var textFieldParser = new TextFieldParser(fileName))
                    textFieldParser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited;
                    textFieldParser.Delimiters = new[] { "," };
                    textFieldParser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = false;

                    var connectionString = _connString;

                    var dataTable = new DataTable("airlines");

                    // Specify the columns in the Data Table

                    using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

                        // Initialise Bulk Copy Object
                        var sqlBulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(sqlConnection)
                            DestinationTableName = "airlines"

                        // Define column mappings between Data Table and Target Table
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Yr", "Yr");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Mth", "Mth");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("DayofMonth", "DayofMonth");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("DayOfWeek", "DayOfWeek");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("DepTime", "DepTime");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("CRSDepTime", "CRSDepTime");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("ArrTime", "ArrTime");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("CRSArrTime", "CRSArrTime");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("UniqueCarrier", "UniqueCarrier");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("FlightNum", "FlightNum");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("TailNum", "TailNum");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("ActualElapsedTime", "ActualElapsedTime");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("CRSElapsedTime", "CRSElapsedTime");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("AirTime", "AirTime");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("ArrDelay", "ArrDelay");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("DepDelay", "DepDelay");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Origin", "Origin");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Dest", "Dest");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Distance", "Distance");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("TaxiIn", "TaxiIn");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("TaxiOut", "TaxiOut");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Cancelled", "Cancelled");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("CancellationCode", "CancellationCode");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Diverted", "Diverted");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("CarrierDelay", "CarrierDelay");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("WeatherDelay", "WeatherDelay");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("NASDelay", "NASDelay");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("SecurityDelay", "SecurityDelay");
                        sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("LateAircraftDelay", "LateAircraftDelay");

                        // Loop through the CSV and load each set of 100,000 records into a DataTable
                        while (!textFieldParser.EndOfData)
                            if (createdCount == 0)


                            if (createdCount % _batchSize == 0)
                                LoadDataTable(sqlBulkCopy, sqlConnection, dataTable);

                        // Send a final set to SQL Server
                        LoadDataTable(sqlBulkCopy, sqlConnection, dataTable);

            catch (System.Exception ex)
                System.Console.WriteLine("ERROR : "+ex.Message);

        static void Main(string[] args)
                var filePath = "";

                    filePath = args[0];
                catch (System.Exception)
                    filePath = "";

                System.Console.WriteLine("{0}\t- Starting load of {1}", System.DateTime.Now.ToString(), filePath);
                System.Console.WriteLine("{0}\t- Completed load of {1}", System.DateTime.Now.ToString(), filePath);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                System.Console.WriteLine("ERROR : "+ex.Message);

It’s been an interesting few months for me, things are different, and yet the same.

At the start of the year, I didn’t think I’d run a 10 mile road race (done that), and I’d expected to have completed the SQL 2008 MCM by now (not done that, and not going to).

This week, I’m taking the first of my SQL 2012 Exams, which I’m looking forward to, and because of this (along with no longer needing to focus on 2008), I’ve been able to look deeper at the 2012 / 2014 versions of SQL Server. I’m liking the new features.

However, this post isn’t about SQL (well, maybe indirectly). It’s about why I’m doing it.

The only person who can control what you can learn, is you. However you do it, you need to grow, and gain skills, move yourself to the next level.

Professionally, I do this by attending conferences and user groups where possible (I’m attending the SQL Relay event in Reading (UK) on 11th November), and also have a Pluralsight Subscription. This is a phenomenal resource, and has given me a huge list of training courses to work my way through.

Personally, I also use a lot of the material from Eric Thomas (motivational speaker) to get my head in the right place. Also, YouTube has a great wealth of motivational videos that help, and I love the one below. Pushing myself to get to a better state physically, so be able to go from not being able to run half a mile, to running 10, has reduced my stress levels, and I feel healthier for it. Obviously, this is a good thing since, in our industry, we spend most of the time sitting and this is REALLY unhealthy (Read this: Sitting is the new Smoking).

Whatever it takes, it’s all about growing yourself, stagnation is not an option.

Over the past few evenings, I’ve been playing with SQLIO, to get an idea of how SSD compares to a couple of servers (one quite old, one a bit newer) that I have access too.

SQLIO can be used to do performance testing of an IO subsystem, prior to deploying SQL Server onto it. It doesn’t actually do anything specifically with SQL, it’s just IO.

If you haven’t looked at SQLIO, I would highly recommend looking at these websites:



The SQLIO Analyser, created by David Klee, is amazing. It allows you to run the SQLIO package (a preconfigured one is available on the site) and submit the results. It then generates an Excel file that contains various metrics. It’s nice!

Running on my Laptop…

Having run the pre-built package on my laptop, I got the following metrics out of it. As you can see, it’s an SSD  (Crucial M4 SSD), and pretty nippy.



Interesting metrics here, and one of the key benefits of an SSD, is that regardless of what you are doing, the average latency is so low. For these tests, I was getting:

Avg. Metrics Sequential Read Random Read Sequential Write Random Write
Latency (ms) 19.28ms 18.38ms 23.21ms 51.51ms
Avg IOPs 3777 3493 2930 1340
MB/s 236.07 218.3 183 83.7

Running on an older server

So, running this on an older server, connected to a much older (6-8+ years old) SAN gave me these results. You can see that the metrics are all much lower, and there is a much wider spread of for all the metrics, and that is down to the spinning disks.



As you can see from the metrics below, there is a significant drop in the performance of the server, a lot more variance across the load types.

Avg. Metrics Sequential Read Random Read Sequential Write Random Write
Latency (ms) 24.81ms 66.79 373 260
Avg IOPs 1928 710 186 210
MB/s 120 44.3 11.6 13.14

Slightly newer Server

So, next I had the SQLIO package running on a slightly newer server (with a higher spec I/O system, I was told), which gave the following results.



As expected, this did give generally better results, it is interesting that Sequential read had better throughput on the older server.

Avg. Metrics Sequential Read Random Read Sequential Write Random Write
Latency (ms) 35.13 44.17 41.81 77.44
Avg IOPs 1474 1021 1314 794
MB/s 92.7 63.8 82.8 49.6

Cracking open VMware

Since I use VMware Workstation for compartmentalising projects on my laptop, I thought I’d run this against a VM. The VM was running on the SSD (at the top of the post), so I could see how much of an impact the VMware drivers had on the process. This gave some interesting results, which you can see below. Obviously there is something screwy going on here, it’s not likely that the VM can perform that much faster than the drive it’s sitting on. Would be nice if it could though…



Avg. Metrics Sequential Read Random Read Sequential Write Random Write
Latency (ms) 7.8 7.5 7.63 7.71
Avg IOPs 12435 13119 15481 14965
MB/s 777 819 967 935

While the whole process was running, Task manager on the host machine was sitting at around 0-2% for disk utilisation, but the CPU was sitting at 50-60%. So, it was hardly touching the disk.



Just to summarise this, in case you didn’t already know, SSD’s are really quick. For the testing I was doing, the SSD was giving me approx. double the performance from some pretty expensive hardware (or at least it was 5-10 years ago…)

Also, take your test results with a grain of salt.

Following on from my previous post on bringing data from Twitter into SQL Server, you’ll recall that we were able to take data from a JSON data feed, using cURL, and parse it into SQL Server, using a custom Function.

This enabled the twitter feed to be loaded into a SQL database at the staggering performance of 38 records a second. In a future post, I hope to do some optimisation on the T-SQL process for getting this data in.

However, I wanted to see how quickly the data could be loaded using a C# application (since I’m a bit of a closet coder).

So, following on from Step 1 and Step 2 from the previous post, so you’ve taken the feeds from Twitter, and loaded the data into a Load table in SQL, I then want to get the data into a table in SQL Server.

There are several JSON libraries that are available, that link to C# (a list is here: http://json.org/). I chose JSON.NET (http://json.codeplex.com/) on the basis that it was quite frequently mentioned on StackOverflow (so if I had any questions, I’d stand a reasonable chance of getting an answer), and the examples looked pretty straightforward.

Having fired up VS 2012, I created a project, and added JSON.Net into it using NuGet (I like NuGet!), using Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace JSONParse

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
DateTime dStart, dEnd;
dStart = DateTime.Now;

// Connect to SQL
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(“server=localhost; Trusted_Connection=yes; database=twitter_stream;”);
catch (Exception e)


// Set up the Reader process
SqlDataReader reader = null;
SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(
“select * from tweetJSON”, conn);
reader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();

while (reader.Read())
// Convert the JSON Data
dynamic obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(reader[1].ToString());
string tJSID = reader[0].ToString();
Console.WriteLine(“id_str {0}”, obj.id_str);
SqlCommand insertcmd = new SqlCommand()
CommandText = @”insert into TweetJSONStaging ( tJSID, Country, id_str,
location,name,lang, screen_name, source, geo_loc, text)
VALUES (@tJSID, @country,@id_str,@followers, @profileURL, @statuses,
@backgroundimageurl, @created_at, @friendscount,@location, @name,
@lang, @screenname,@source, @geoloc, @text)”
insertcmd.Connection = new SqlConnection(“server=localhost; Trusted_Connection=yes; database=twitter_stream;”);
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@tJSID”, tJSID);
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@id_str”, (string)obj.id_str);
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@followers”, (string)obj.user.followers_count);
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@backgroundimageurl”, (string)obj.user.profile_background_image_url);
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@name”, (string)obj.user.name);
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@profileURL”, (string)obj.user.profile_image_url);
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@statuses”, (string)obj.user.statuses_count);
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@friendscount”, (string)obj.user.friends_count);
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@screenname”, (string)obj.user.screen_name);
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@lang”, (string)obj.user.lang);
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@text”, (string)obj.text);
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@source”, (string)obj.source);
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@created_at”, (string)obj.created_at);
string sCountry = “”, sLocation = “”, sGeoloc = “”;

sCountry = (string)obj.place.country;
catch (Exception e)
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@country”, sCountry);

sLocation = (string)obj.user.location;
catch (Exception e)
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@location”, sLocation);
sGeoloc = String.Join(“,”, obj.place.bounding_box.coordinates.Last.First);
catch (Exception e)
// Console.WriteLine(e.ToString());
insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@geoloc”, sGeoloc);

catch (Exception)
{ }
catch (Exception)
catch (Exception e)

dEnd = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine(“Time taken = “+ dEnd.Subtract(dStart));



Obviously, this code is an example, and you’d be wanting to have proper error handling, better functional layout, better commenting, etc, etc, etc in there, however, you can see how the code runs, and from a performance perspective, it’s better.

Running this code through the Debug mode in Visual Studio, I managed to get 155 records processed a second, pretty snappy.

Then, running it as an Application, outside Visual Studio I got 393 records a second! Just over 10 times faster than T-SQL with a Cursor.


During the my preparation for the 70-451 Certification, I did some work on Partitioning. I found this to be quite an interesting exercise, so wanted to share it.

There are a number of reasons that you could do Partitioning, though primarily they are related to performance, and easier maintenance. However, while you can get an increase in performance, it isn’t the answer to all your problems.

The performance gain is through the ability to have a database table spread over multiple I/O devices (through filegroups), though this also gives you the ability to do partial database restores.

Step 1 – Create a database

The First step, is obviously to create a database to play with.

( NAME = N'sandpit', FILENAME = N'C:\temp\sandpit.mdf' , SIZE = 200mb ,
( NAME = N'sandpit_log', FILENAME = N'C:\temp\sandpit_log.ldf' ,
   SIZE = 50Mb , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 256000KB )
use sandpit;

Step 2 – Create a Partition Function

The Partition function is used to determine where data appears in the partitions. You specify it as left or right, so the partition value is either to the Left or to the Right. The sample below is right, so 15/10/1992 (19921015) appears in the second partition.

Partition 1 being infinity to  17530101

Partition 2 being 17510101 to 19990101

Partition 3 being 20000101 to 20101231 etc

create partition function myPF (datetime)
as range right for values

Step 3 – Create a Partition Scheme

The Partition Scheme is used to determine which file group the data goes into. There needs to be as many entries in here, as there are in the Partition Function. You cannot specify less, and if you specify more, they will be used in the next partitions (so if you use the Split function, coming later on!). Also in here, we specify the Partition function that we defined previously, to link the two  together.


Step 4 – Create a table using the Partition Scheme

Next we need to create a table. Rather than specifying ‘on <filegroup>’ as normal, we specify the Partition Scheme, and the field used to partition the data. In this case, I’m using the date field for partitioning.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[myPTable](
    [pKey] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [pDateTime] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [uidGuid] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
    [tDesc] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [pKey] ASC,    [pDateTime] asc
on     myPS(pDateTime);

This will create our table, but we need data in it, so if you run this script for a while, it’ll populate the table with some random data.

while 1=1
    insert into myPTable
        (pDateTime, uidGuid,tDesc)
    Values (
        dateadd(day, -1 * abs(convert(varbinary, newid()) % ((200*365))),
        dateadd(year,2,getdate())), NEWID(),GETDATE())

This script will continue until you run out of disk space, or until the end of time, so you can stop it. You can check the spread of data by running this script. This queries the location of data, gets the partition number, Row count, Min and Max values for the table.

select $partition.myPF(pDateTime) as PartitionNumber, COUNT(1) as RowsInPartition,
    MIN(pDateTime) as MinDateInPartition,MAX(pDateTime) as MaxDateInPartition from myPTable
group by $partition.myPF(pDateTime)

This gives me:


Step 5 – Splitting the Partition

As you should (hopefully) see from the query above, there will be significantly more data in the 2nd Partition, than in the others. To help with this, we can split this partition. This can be achieved in two steps: First add a filegroup to the Partition Scheme, then add a split to the Partition Function.

alter partition scheme myPS next used [Primary]
alter partition function myPF() split range ('19500101')

Running the distribution script above, now gives me:


There are still quite alot in the 2nd Partition, so lets Split again:

alter partition scheme myPS next used [Primary]
alter partition function myPF() split range ('19000101')

Now we get:


Extra Credit 1 – Data Compression by Partition

Partitioning is an Enterprise (and Developer!) edition feature, and so is Data Compression. Given this, we can use data compression on the Partitions, and also have different compression levels on each Partition. So, by using the script below, we can have Page compression on Partition 2 and Row compression on 3-5. (Creating Compressed Tables and Indexes – MSDN)

USE [sandpit]
) ;

Also note, that if you split a compressed table, the new partition will keep the compression from the partition before it was split.

Extra Credit 2 – Data Compression by Index

Interestingly, you can also change the Partitioning on an index. This can be carried out in the following manner:

create clustered index IX_myPTablePKey
on myPTable(pKey,pDateTime)
with (data_compression = Page on Partitions(1 to 2),
data_compression = row on Partitions(3 to 7))

There is further information around Creating Compressed Tables and Indexes here.